
Culture & Space: Composition, Creation, Edition

12.05.2014 - Toruń

Katedra Filologii Angielskiej
87-100 Toruń, ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1
(056) 611-35-55

prof. zw. dr hab. Mirosława Buchholtz
e-mail: miroslawa.buchholtz@umk.pl

mgr Sława Krasińska
e-mail: slawa.k@wp.pl
telefon: (056) 611-35-55
dr Grzegorz Koneczniak
e-mail: gregorex@umk.pl
telefon: (056) 611-35-55

It is a series of conferences organized at the Department of English, Nicolaus Copernicus University, since 2005. 20-minute presentations which address such subjects as composition, creation and edition are welcome. The proposals should be submitted by 25 April 2014. In order to submit one’s subject with a 100-word abstract, please, use the following email address: textcomposition@gmail.com
