
Culture & Space. Editing and Textual Scholarship: Across Literature and Culture

04.05.2015 - 05.05.2015 - Toruń

www: http://www.maius.umk.pl/ang/?pid=0

Katedra Filologii Angielskiej, Wydział Filologiczny UMK
87-100 Toruń, ul. Władysława Bojarskiego 1
(056) 611-35-55

Polsko-Amerykańska Komisja Fulbrighta

prof. dr hab. Mirosława Buchholtz
e-mail: mirabuch@umk.pl

mgr Marta Sibierska
e-mail: m.sibierska@wp.pl
telefon: (056) 611-35-55
dr Grzegorz Koneczniak
e-mail: CultureandSpace@gmail.com.
telefon: (056) 611-35-55

Conferences on “Culture & Space” (CaSe) have been organized at the Department of English, Nicolaus Copernicus University, since 2005. Their aim is to address a variety of issues and research areas at the intersection of literature and culture studies. This time our focus is on editing and textual scholarship across literature and culture.
