
4th CGS Interdisciplinary Conference “History and Politics. Remembrance as Legitimation”

10.07.2015 - 11.07.2015 - Toruń

www: http://www.cgs.umk.pl/application2.html

Katedra Historii Stosunków Międzynarodowych
87-100 Toruń, ul. Batorego 39L
(056) 611-21-31

prof. dr hab. Ralph Schattkowsky
e-mail: rascha@umk.pl

dr Katarzyna Kącka
e-mail: kkacka@umk.pl
telefon: (056) 611-21-31

A question on a relation between the history and the politics is as old as these categories. It is still considered and discussed. However, currently we have a number of reasons to investigate this relation from a new perspective of contemporary phenomena and new research results; the history of science and its relation with social and political changes have been studied in past few decades with a careful attention. The significance of history-politics question is also based on processes of the rebirth of nationalism after the collapse of communism, the erosion of collective identities and identity-conflicts in the European Union. This relation is strengthened by a revolution in communication, and a necessity to redefine relations between government and masses, or state and society. Finally, new framework is sharpened by ongoing globalization.
