
5th Copernicus Graduate School Interdisciplinary Conference The Exclusive Society. Inclusion and Exclusion as Factors of Society Formation in 20th and 21st Century

14.07.2016 - 16.07.2016 - Toruń

www: http://www.cgs.umk.pl

Wydział Politologii i Studiów Międzynarodowych
87-100 Toruń, ul. Batorego 39L
(056) 611-21-25

Niemiecki Instytut Historyczny w Warszawie
Uniwersytet w Rostocku
Uniwersytet Palackiego w Ołomuńcu

prof. dr hab. Ralph Schattkowsky
e-mail: rascha@umk.pl

dr Adam Jarosz
e-mail: cgs@umk.pl
telefon: 606-989-338

The question about what is society has been asked since the end of 19th century and is a central subject of research of social sciences. Different patterns of answering focus mostly on relations between the individual and a larger group. The central issue of the modern mass society organization are at this point the exclusion and inclusion processes, as well as their parameters, or mechanisms of functioning.
