
Soil Classification and Education

18.05.2018 - 20.05.2018 - Toruń

www: http://sites.google.com/site/facesconference/

Wydział Nauk o Ziemi
87-100 Toruń, ul. Lwowska 1
(056) 611-26-25

dr hab. Przemysław Charzyński
e-mail: pecha@umk.pl
dr Marcin Świtoniak
e-mail: swit@umk.pl

dr hab. Przemysław Charzyński
e-mail: pecha@umk.pl
telefon: (056) 611-26-25
dr Marcin Świtoniak
e-mail: swit@umk.pl
telefon: (056) 611-25-55

Important part of soil science technical language in the context of globalization is soil description and classification. The aim of this conference is to present solutions for international education in soil science, elaborated within the Erasmus+ FACES project, to present the new attempts to soil description and classification. Participants' experiences and thoughts related to soil science teaching would be a frame for discussions, both indoor and outdoor ones.
