
International Conference “Modern constitutions: history and the present”

04.04.2019 - 05.04.2019 - Toruń

Katedra Prawa Konstytucyjnego
87-100 Toruń, ul. W. Bojarskiego 3

Studenckie Koło Naukowe Prawa Konstytucyjnego WPiA

Dr Maciej Serowaniec
e-mail: mserowaniec@umk.pl

Pan Patryk Kryński
e-mail: krynski.patryk@outlook.com
telefon: +48566114107
Pan Marcin Dorochowicz
e-mail: m.dorochowicz@wp.pl
telefon: +48566114107

The main purpose of the conference is to familiarize with different facets of constitutional area of law but also to give a closer look at some constitutional institutions and their evolution over the years.
