
‘The Compatibility of EU Law with the Rule of Law and Democratic Principles’

30.03.2023 - 31.03.2023 - Toruń

Katedra Prawa Konstytucyjnego
87-100 Toruń, ul. Bojarskiego 3

Dr hab. Maciej Serowaniec
e-mail: mserowaniec@umk.pl

Dr Wojciech Włoch
e-mail: wloch@umk.pl
telefon: +48566114115
Dr Katarzyna Jachimowicz
e-mail: kjachimowicz@umk.pl
telefon: +48566114115

We would like the seminar to provide a forum for discussing the role and place of democratic principles, particularly the rule of law, in the Union’s institutional law and legal order. Therefore, we will start with a theoretical reflection on democratic principles in the EU (W. Włoch - Towards Constitutional Aretology: Legalism as a Virtue). We will also discuss the role of EU instruments in ensuring respect for the rule of law (A. Dirri and Y. Guerra - Are the European Union efforts for a new conditionality mechanism falling short?) and the problem of systematic error in the implementation of ECtHR and CJEU decisions by EU Member States (Gaál Balázs). In the last part of the seminar, we will try to show how the Court of Justice of the EU and the Member States’ constitutional courts approach the issue of democratic principles and the rule of law. The example of the Italian (L. Cecchetti and Y.Citino) and Polish (M. Serowaniec) experiences will illustrate this issue. During the seminar, there will also be a presentation of the draft first working document for RED-SPINEL, which will be developed under WP2 “Established EU instruments on the rule of law”. We hope that the seminar will provide a great opportunity for a more extensive discussion about the challenges that await us in connection with the implementation of the RED-SPINEL project and will allow us to get to know each other better and develop our cooperation.
