
Culture and Space Series. Remembering Flannery O’Connor 100 Years after Her Birthday: Transnational, Intersectional and Multidisciplinary Approaches

25.03.2025 - 26.03.2025 - Toruń

www: https://flanneryoconnor.umk.pl

Katedra Literatury Amerykańskiej i Przekładu Literackiego
87-100 Toruń, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3
56 611-35-65

Flannery O’Connor Society
European Network for Short Fiction Research
Katedra Historii Sztuki Nowoczesnej i Pozaeuropejskiej, Wydział Sztuk Pięknych

Dr hab., prof. UMK Filip Pręgowski
e-mail: fpregowski73@umk.pl
Prof. dr hab. Mirosława Buchholtz
e-mail: mirabuch@umk.pl
Dr Grzegorz Koneczniak
e-mail: gregorex@umk.pl

Dr Jarosław Hetman
e-mail: jarekhetman@umk.pl
telefon: 56 611-35-65
Dr Dorota Guttfeld
e-mail: gutt@umk.pl
telefon: 56 611-35-65

The year 2025 will mark the centenary of Flannery O’Connor’s birth (1925-1964). This widely acknowledged American author of Irish origin is part of not only American but also world literary heritage. For several decades, her novels, short stories, essays and letters have posed a challenge to critics, readers, editors and translators alike, not to mention common readership. The conference will be organised into thematic sessions and round-table discussions devoted to the following subjects:  O’Connor’s works across various media (drawings, paintings, film, theatre, interactive narratives)  Reception of O’Connor’s works during her lifetime and since then  O’Connor’s work and biography seen through contemporary literary theories  Paratextual approaches to O’Connor’s works  Reconsiderations of the American Southern Gothic  O’Connor’s works in art and through art. Patronage: Alumni Association, U.S. State Department Exchange Programs
