
Europeanization of Public Service: The Experience of Poland and Ukraine

22.11.2024 - Toruń

Katedra Prawa Konstytucyjnego, Katedra Prawa Administracyjnego, Katedra Prawa Pracy
87-100 Toruń, ul. Bojarskiego 3

Zaporizhzhia National University
National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University

Dr Serhii Fedchyshyn
e-mail: s.a.fedchyshyn@nlu.edu.ua
Prof. dr hab. Maciej Serowaniec
e-mail: mserowaniec@umk.pl
Dr Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska
e-mail: krm@umk.pl

Dr Jagoda Jaskulska
e-mail: jagoda.jaskulska@umk.pl
telefon: 566114002

This conference explores the transformative impact of Europeanization on public service frameworks in Poland and Ukraine. It serves as a platform for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by aligning public administration systems with European standards. The event focuses on comparative insights, showcasing Poland’s successful integration into EU frameworks and Ukraine’s ongoing reform efforts. Key topics include administrative modernization, governance transparency, policy harmonization, and capacity building, offering a collaborative space to share experiences and strategies for enhancing public service delivery in the context of European integration.
