
Adaptation and innovation: Linguistic, cultural and literary responses to a changing world

22.05.2025 - Toruń/online

www: http://www.adaptationinnovation25umk.wordpress.com

Doktorancko-Studenckie Koło Naukowe Filologii Angielskiej
87-100 Toruń, ul. Bojarskiego 1

Katedra Literatury, Kultury i Komparatystyki Anglojęzycznej

dr hab. prof. UMK Edyta Lorek-Jezińska
e-mail: lorek@umk.pl
dr Nelly Strehlau
e-mail: strehlau@umk.pl

Michalina Dąbrowska
e-mail: 317526@stud.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698
Katarzyna Przygońska
e-mail: 317544@stud.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698
Zuzanna Sanecka
e-mail: 319703@stud.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698
mgr Agata Rupińska
e-mail: 503363@doktorant.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698
lic. Joanna Porębska
e-mail: 329494@stud.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698
Aleś Makkaveyeu
e-mail: 320397@stud.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698
Julia Jasińska
e-mail: 322445@stud.umk.pl
telefon: 56-611-3698

The world around us is constantly changing, and we must respond to these changes, as they are often a direct result of our own actions. Phenomena such as climate change, geopolitical conflicts, rapid development of technology, and rise of pseudoscience have become indelible elements of daily life; consequently, it is essential that people adapt to new realities. Language, culture, literature, and the new media can reflect, or simply constitute a human response to changes. We would like to invite young researchers to share their reflections, observations, and ideas that concern themes of adapting and innovating in response to global changes.
