
Extrasolar planets in multi-body systems: theory and observations

25.08.2008 - 29.08.2008 - Torun

www: http://exoplanets.astri.umk.pl/schedule.html

Centrum Astronomii
87-100 Torun, ul. Gagarina 11
(056) 611-30-02

Paris-Meudon Astronomical Observatory (LUTH)

dr hab. K. Gozdziewski
e-mail: K.Gozdziewski@astri.uni.torun.pl
prof. J. Schneder
e-mail: J.Schneider@uni.muedon.fr
dr hab. A. Niedzielski
e-mail: A.Niedzielski@astri.uni.torun.pl
dr hab. M. Konacki
e-mail: M.Konacki@camk.edu.pl

dr hab. K. Gozdziewski
e-mail: K.Gozdziewski@astri.uni.torun.pl
telefon: (056) 611-30-02

The aim of the conference is to discuss the origin, dynamical and physical evolution of extrasolar planets orbiting stars from multiple stellar systems as well as planets from multiple planetary systems. Our goal is to cover both theory and observation with particular attention to the dynamics of multi-body configurations and diversity of their dynamical environments. The binary and multiple stellar systems are common in the solar neighborhood but by observational selection effects only a fraction of the known extrasolar planets belong to the multi-stellar systems or are members of multi-planet configurations. Nevertheless, their formation and dynamical evolution are the subject of ongoing intensive research. Different detecting tools and techniques which are key to characterization of planetary systems would be discussed. A special attention would be paid to the current state of the theory explaining the genesis of such systems.
