
Workshop on Optics of Nanostructures

10.10.2008 - 11.10.2008 - Toruń

www: http://www.fizyka.umk.pl/~w3on/

Instytut Fizyki
87-100 Toruń, ul. Grudziądzka 5
(056) 611-33-03

prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Jaskólski
e-mail: wj@fizyka.umk.pl

dr Sebastian Mackowski
e-mail: mackowski@fizyka.umk.pl
telefon: (056) 611-32-50

The aim of the Worksop is to provide a platform for exchanging ideas and initialize collaborations between young Polish scientist working in the fields of spectroscopy of semiconductor and carbon nanostructures, polymers and nanomaterials of biological interest. The Workshop is sponsored by OPTOPOL Technology.
