
Nonlinear Optics Applications 2011

01.09.2011 - 30.11.-0001 - Toruń

Instytut Fizyki UMK
87-100 Toruń, ul. Grudziądzka 5/7
(056) 611-32-28

prof. Mirosław A. Karpierz Warsaw University of Technology
prof Ewa Weinert-Rączka West Pomeranian University of Technology

prof. Mirosław A. Karpierz
e-mail: karpierz@if.pw.edu.pl
prof. Ewa Weinert-Rączka
e-mail: ewa.raczka@ps.pl
dr Beata Derkowska
e-mail: beata@fizyka.umk.pl

dr Beata Derkowska
e-mail: beata@fizyka.umk.pl
telefon: (056) 611-32-28

The International Workshops on Nonlinear Optics Applications have been organised since 1992. The purpose of the Workshop is to provide a forum for both senior and young scientists from different countries to present and discuss current research problems. The Workshop will deal with experimental and theoretical aspects of nonlinear optics applications, including nonlinear guided wave optics, optical solitons, optical switching and processing, nonlinear optical materials.
