
Poor or Rich?: Synoptic Cemetery Profiling in Unearthing Medieval Life Style - Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

11.07.2011 - 14.07.2011 - Leeds (United Kingdom)

Centrum Mediewistyczne
87-100 toruń, ul. Szosa chełmińska 83a
(056) 611-37-18

prof. dr hab. Jarosław Wenta
e-mail: jwe@his.uni.torun.pl

mgr Sławomir Wadyl
e-mail: slawomirwadyl@wp.pl
telefon: 796-270-784

Sesja zorganizowana w ramach IMC w Leeds. Wygłoszone zostaną 3 referaty. Pierwszy - Early medieval cremation graves as source for economic strata and social structures research. Data interpretation problems (Baltic area example) (S. Wadyl), drugi - Trader or not? Capabilities and limitations in interpreting the so-called "traders' graves" in the Baltic area (E. Siemianowska) oraz trzeci -J.Cemper-Kiesslich,The archaeometric record: physical findings, radiography, chemical and molecular analyses.
