Monografie i podręczniki

J. Andres, L. Górniewicz,
Topological Fixed Point Principles for Boundary Value Problems,
Springer 2003

The book is devoted to the topological fixed point theory both for single-valued and multivalued mappings in locally convex spaces, including its application to boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations (inclusions) and to (multivalued) dynamical systems. It is the first monograph dealing with the topological fixed point theory in non-metric spaces. Although the theoretical material was tendentiously selected with respect to applications, the text is self-contained. Therefore, three appendices concerning almost-periodic and derivo-periodic single-valued (multivalued) functions and (multivalued) fractals are supplied to the main three chapters. In Chapter I, the topological and analytical background is built. Then, in Chapter II, topological principles necessary for applications are developed. Finally, in Chapter III, boundary value problems for differential equations and inclusions are investigated in detail by means of the results in Chapter II. [Źródło:]

[Prof. dr hab. Lech Górniewicz jest pracownikiem Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UMK]