Monografie i podręczniki

Roman S. Ingarden, Andrzej Jamiołkowski,
Classical Electrodynamics,
Elsevier Publishing Company 1985

This is an elementary introduction to the modern approach to classical electrodynamics using the language of differential forms, which will familiarize the reader with the modern mathematical methods used in electromagnetism. The book is self-contained and provides problems with solutions for self-education and teaching. Primarily a textbook for undergraduate students, it will also be useful for higher level students and research workers interested in modern methods of physics.

[Dr hab. Andrzej Jamiołkowski, prof. UMK jest pracownikiem Instytutu Fizyki UMK, Prof. dr hab. Roman Stanisław Ingarden jest byłym pracownikiem Instytutu Fizyki UMK]