Irena Sawicka,
An outline of the Phonetic Typology of the Slavic Languages,
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń 2001
Contents: Vocalic vs. consonantal languages (Quantitative relations within the phonemic inventories and in the texts. Consonantal and vocalic clusters. Geminates. The treatment of nasal vowels). Languages with an accommodative vs. languages with a nonaccommodative pronunciation (Palatalization. Sandhi phenomena). Segmental word patterns (One-peak syllable pattern vs. two-peak syllable pattern. Peripheral patterns. Hierachy of sonants). Prosody (Word prosody and vocalic reductions. Phrase prosody). The Slavic contribution to European phonetic Sprachbunde.
[Prof. dr hab. Irena Sawicka jest pracownikiem Instytutu Filologii Słwiańskiej UMK.]