Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (NCU)
Erasmus code: PL TORUN01
Jurija Gagarina 11
87-100 Torun
Campus Toruń | Campus Bydgoszcz (Faculties: Medicine, Pharmacy, Health Sciences) |
Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility Office hours for students:
Department of Research and Projects Ms. Agnieszka Sobocińska
Mission and tasks
Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility/Department of Research and Projects are responsible for European Educational Programmes such as the Erasmus+ Programme.
The Departments implement activities concerning the internationalisation and harmonisation of education according to the Bologna Process and Lisbon Strategy.
Regarding the Erasmus+ programme, the Departments take care of administrative and organisational matters such as:
- application procedures for incoming and outgoing students
- helping with providing university accommodation for incoming students
- organising orientation weeks at the beginning of each semester, intercultural workshops
- helping with the organisation of special meetings and trips for incoming students
- preparing and signing Confirmations of Erasmus Stay before the departure of an Erasmus student
- carrying out assessment questionnaires among Erasmus students concerning their Erasmus stay in Toruń or Bydgoszcz or abroad
Please note that the Departments are not responsible for didactic matters. Check the information regarding faculty coordinators at NCU.
International educational projects: Erasmus + 2021-2027