Solidarity with Ukraine

Documents and procedure step-by-step

Projects KA171

I. Staff mobility

  1. Specific rules for incoming staff
  2. Application
  3. Before arrival
  4. During the visit
    • Individual grant agreement signed
    • Payment of Erasmus+ grant
    • Teaching hours provided or training participation
    • Day-to-day contact with the NCU faculty and project responsible
  5. Before departure
    • Provision of Certificate of Stay
  6. After the end of the mobility
    • Evaluation and filling in online EU Survey – obligatory
    • Report to the sending university - optional
    • Dissemination of information on the benefits of participation in the Erasmus+ programme - obligatory

II. Student mobility

  1. Specific rules for incoming student mobility for studies and traineeships
  2. Application steps
  3. Before arrival
  4. During the mobility
    • Individual grant agreement signed
    • Bank account opened
    • Erasmus+ grant grant payment (including travel lump sum) in installments
    • Changes to the Learning Agreement
    • Day-to-day contact with the receiving faculty and project responsible
    • More info
  5. Before departure
    • Evaluation and filling in online EU Survey - obligatory!
    • Clearance Slip (CS) in USOS - filled in
    • Provision of Certificate of Stay
    • Final Erasmus+ grant payment
    • More info
  6. After the end of mobility - optional
    • Report to the home university

Deadlines for applications by students:

1 June – for a first (winter) semester
1 November – for a second (summer) semester

III. "Green travel" - staff and students

  1. Green travel rules KA171 2022 and  KA171 2023
  2. Green travel rules KA171 2024
  3. Declaration of planned "green travel"
    Word,    PDF    
  4. Declaration of completed "green travel"
    Word,    PDF