Solidarity with Ukraine


Foreign guest arrivals – procedure


Handling foreign guest arrivals is within the competences of 

International Projects Section,
Department of Research and Projects Support

Gagarina 13, 87-100 Toruń

the NCU Main Library, room 100 D

tel: +48 56 611 42 29 / 42 85

We work from Monday to Friday from 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

We accept visits from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Make an appointment


Regulations concerning arrivals of foreign guests at Nicolaus Copernicus University:


Application for the arrival of a foreign visitor to Nicolaus Copernicus University 


Procedure concerning the arrival of foreign guests at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń:

Arrival application

Visits of foreign guests at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń may take place with the consent of the relevant University authority or an authorised head of an organisational unit. Permissions for guests arrival is granted by: 

  1. Vice-Rector in charge of international cooperation for the period longer than one month,

  2. Dean or the head of a University or inter-faculty unit – for stays shorter than one month. 

Administrative and financial handling of foreign guests’ visits is within the competences of the International Projects Section.

  1. The international visitor shall personally complete the "International Visitor Registration Form" on the University's website regarding consent to the processing of his/her personal data, for the purpose of registering visitors to the University and handling the administrative and financial aspects of the visit.

  2. After the registration of a foreign guest a short e-mail confirming the guest's registration is sent to the inviting person's e-mail address, then the inviting person fills in the "Application concerning the arrival of a foreign guest at NCU in Torun"..

  3. The application for financing a foreign visitor's stay, generated as a PDF file and printed out, shall be signed by the applicant, i.e. the inviting person, the administrator of the funds indicated in the "Source of financing" section of the Application, and the Dean or the head of the academic, scientific, teaching, service or support unit under whose authority the person inviting the foreign visitor reports.

  4. The unit disposing of the funds indicated in the funding source shall reserve funds in the XPRIMER system in an amount equal to or greater than the amount indicated in the "Total" box on the Application. The requisition number assigned by the system should be provided on the Application.

  5. The application should be submitted to the International Projects Section no later than 14 days prior to the planned arrival of the foreign visitor

The International Projects Section only accepts requests for international visitors who have registered their stay in the central register of international visitors (International Visitor Registration Form) on the University's website.

The basis for the payment of benefits to foreign guests is an official invitation from the University authorities, which specifies the type of benefits the University undertakes to cover for the invitee, as well as the reservation of funds in the XPRIMER system. If the inviting unit is a faculty, the invitation is issued by the Dean's Office administration and accepted by the Dean.

NOTE: If the invitation is needed to obtain a visa for a foreign visitor, it should be submitted for approval to the relevant Prorector responsible for international cooperation.


The University does not cover the travel costs of a foreign visitor except when the funds allocated for this purpose come from external sources or when they have been included in the budget of the project under which the visit is carried out.

If the ticket is purchased directly by the NCU, the inviting person is required to attach a ticket purchase order to the foreign visitor's arrival application in accordance with the defined form "Ticket purchase order".

If the ticket is purchased by a foreign visitor, reimbursement is possible on the basis of a completed "Request for Money Order" form signed by the visitor and the funds administrator, to which a digital blank ticket or bill issued in the name of the foreign visitor should be attached 



For stays up to 1 month, a foreign guest may receive a daily allowance. Maximum amount of allowance is 120 PLN. Subsistence allowance is paid in polish zlotys by bank transfer to the bank account of a foreign visitor or in cash in a bank servicing NCU- personal collection by a foreign visitor. The daily allowance is not granted when a foreign visitor is provided with full board.

The order for advance payment by the Finance Department is made in the International Projects Section at the request of the persons concerned.

The inviting person is obliged to arrange accommodation for the foreign guest for the duration of his/her stay at the University, primarily in University facilities. Accommodation of foreign guests in city hotels in Toruń is possible only after obtaining a written confirmation from the University Hotel that there are no vacancies.


Visitors from most countries of the world do not require a visa for short-term stays as part of a scientific exchange. In case of doubts please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website .