Solidarity with Ukraine

Advance payment

Advance payment

The advance is paid on the basis of Application for an advance payment attached to the "Travel abroad application form".


The "Application for travel abroad" together with the "Application for advance payment" should reach the International Projects Section, Department of Research and Projects Support in the original in paper form or by e-mail with an electronic signature at least 21 days before the planned departure date.

Please submit the application for travel together with the attachments in full, without sending them later, which will streamline the administrative and financial service.


(In case of the need to send missing attachments to the "Application for travel abroad" already submitted to the International Projects Section, in order to avoid any delays that may occur with paper document circulation, please send the "Application for advance payment" by e-mail to one of the following addresses: or

On the "Application for advance payment" it is necessary to indicate in what currency and how the advance payment is to be made.

The advance payment can be paid in the following ways:

- in cash in a foreign currency (appropriate for the country of departure according to the table "Diet and accommodation limits") at Bank Millennium, ul. Szosa Chełmińska 17, 87-100 Toruń;

- by bank transfer to a foreign currency account (IBAN number and SWIFT/BIC code required), or in PLN to the PLN bank account of the departing person.

Advance payments are paid one week in advance before the planned departure date.

The amount of the advance payment is calculated by an employee of the International Projects Section based on the data provided in the application for a foreign trip, and in accordance with the "Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy of January 29, 2013." (RMPiPS of 29.01.2013)

In case that the departing person has not submitted an application for advance payment or the application for advance payment has been received by the International Projects Section after the required deadline, the allowances due will be paid after return from the trip, based on the settlement of the foreign trip.

IMPORTANT - regarding applying for cash withdrawal at a bank:

When applying for cash withdrawal at a bank, you must provide the type, series and number of the identity document that the person leaving intends to use for the withdrawal. Note: a physical ID card and e-ID differ in series, number, date of issue and expiry date. E-ID is not a digital version of an ID card.