Solidarity with Ukraine

Advance payment

Advance payment

The advance is paid on the basis of Advance payment application attached to the "Travel abroad application form".

In the application form, please determine in what currency and how the advance is to be paid. (Note: Currently, the NCU cashier office is closed until further notice). The amount of the advance is calculated by an employee of the Department of Research based on the data indicated in the travel abroad application and in accordance with “Act by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 29 January 2013"

The advance may be paid in cash in foreign currency (appropriate for the departure country, according to “Table of diets and accommodation limits”) in Bank Millennium, Szosa Chełmińska 17, 87-100 Toruń or by bank wire transfer to a foreign currency account (it is required to provide the IBAN number or SWIFT/BIC code) or equivalently in PLN to a PLN bank account of a traveler. 

1. The advance payment as a bank wire transfer is performed by the Finance Department one week before the date of travel - the traveler need to apply for an advance payment at least 2 weeks before the trip.

2. The advance payment in cash at the Bank Millennium The traveler may collect the cash at the bank about one week before the planned travel - the traveler need to apply for an advance payment at least 3 weeks before the trip.

If the traveler did not submit the advance payment application or the application was submitted to the Department of Research after the required deadline (at least two weeks before the travel and three weeks in case to receive the cash), their rightful subsistence allowance will be paid after return from the trip, based on the settlement of travel abroad.