Solidarity with Ukraine

Applying for travel abroad

Applying for travel abroad

A person leaving abroad fills in the electronic form available here:


Immediately after collecting information about your planned trip abroad, you should create an "Travel abroad application form" using the above generator.

The data entered into the generator is not sent to any registers. The "Travel abroad application form" can be generated multiple times.

The "Travel abroad application form" generated as a PDF file and printed is the basic document in the procedure for traveling abroad. Completing the application allows you to organize the collected information and is also an estimate of the planned expenses. Therefore, it should be prepared before reserving funds in the XPrimer system.

Please specify which costs are incurred by the inviting party and which ones are incurred by NCU and from which funds. When including estimated costs of a ticket or accommodation in the application form, you should take into account possible price increases and specify the upper limit with an appropriate margin for this purpose.

Data included in the electronic form must be generated to the PDF file, printed and signed by the applicant, and then submitted for signatures of the relevant superior. The authorizing officer who manages funds from which the travel is to be financed will accept the funding electronic in the XPrimer system.


The application for travel abroad together with the necessary attachments should be sent to the International Projects Section, Department of Research and Projects Support in the original paper version

no later than 14 days before the planned departure date,

and in the case of applying for an advance payment in cash at a bank no later than 21 days before the planned departure date.

(read more about the advance payment here -> Advance payment for a trip abroad)

Please submit applications and attachments as a complete set, without sending them later, which will improve administrative and financial services.

Employees, doctoral students, students and contractors may travel abroad based on the approval of the relevant superior.

The functions of superiors in terms of delegating business travel are performed by;

1) the rector, in relation to:

a) the following persons performing management functions:

- vice-rectors,


-directors of doctoral schools,

-director of the University Library,

- chancellor,

- bursar,

b) directors of research units, university didactic units, and auxiliary and service units;

2) director of the research unit, university didactic unit, and auxiliary and service units in relation to subordinate employees;

3) dean, in relation to employees of the faculty, except directors of the doctoral schools;

4) chancellor, in relation to one’s deputies, deputies of the bursar, except the deputy of the Bursar for Collegium Medicum and employees of the university-wide administrative units;


Additionally, the relevant vice-rector appointed by the rector, in relation to all the employees, doctoral students, and students traveling abroad for more than one month unless special provisions specify the competences of the rector.