If the travel abroad involves payable participation in a conference, the following data for issuing an invoice should be given to an organizer:
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Gagarina 11, 87-100 Torun / Poland, PL879 0177 291,
and the service description shall include the name and surname of a conference participant.
The conference participant is obliged to verify the data in the invoice, paying special attention to the tax number (NIP) – it should be preceded by the indication of the country “PL.” In case of noticing gaps and errors, the conference participant has the right and obligation to request the rectification of the data in the invoice, immediately reporting the noticed gaps or errors to the issuer of the invoice.
The full name, address and tax ID of NCU must appear in the invoice for participation in the conference always and regardless if the prepayment is made directly from the NCU bank account by the Department of Finance or the conference participant makes the payment on his own to present the invoice for settlement of the travel costs after return (reimbursement) – this is an exception in terms of documents attached for settlement of the foreign travel costs, because all the other travel costs paid by the Traveller directly should be documented in the personal invoice to a private data (without NCU data); e.g. independent purchase of tickets, accommodation and other necessary services related to the foreign travel.
Taxpayer's declaration for PIT (it should be submitted by nonemployees (students, PhD students and contractors) to settle the costs of a conference fee)
In accordance with the Rector's Order No. 99 of 17 May 2022 on the introduction of electronic circulation and description of certain accounting documents in the Toruń part of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; handwritten description of invoices has been abandoned.
Invoices issued at the Nicolaus Copernicus University are entered by the realizing unit (International Projects Section) in the XPRIMER system as Cost Documents (Dokument Kosztowy) and are then described electronically. Lack of a document described in XPRIMER system will prevent payment of the resulting receivables.
In the case when prepayment is required, the realizing unit (International Projects Section) activates it in XPRIMER system within the realized order and attaches scan of proforma invoice, and immediately transfers the paper document to the Finance Department.