Rector’s Deputy for equality
dr hab. Aleksandra Derra, prof. UMK
Contact her if:
- you need support in the case of discriminatory action;
- you have noticed unequal treatment at the University;
- you can help to make the University more diverse community for everyone.
e-mail: rownosc@umk.pl
phone number: +48 506 867 859 (till 6 pm)
Copenican Integration Centre"Tolerance" building, 1st floor
Olszewskiego 16 Street
87-100 Toruń

Academic Ombudsman
dr Bartłomiej Chludziński
Contact him if:
- you want to avoid a dispute;
- you are in a dispute and need support, e.g. mediation;
- you need legal advice (university rules).
e-mail: ombudsman@umk.pl
phone number: +48 661 910 878 (till 6 pm)
Copenican Integration Centre"Tolerance" building, 1st floor
ul. Olszewskiego 16
87-100 Toruń

Deputy Rector for safety
mgr Robert Murawski
Do not hesitate to contact him if:
- your personal safety on campus is at risk;
- you have been the victim of a crime or offence;
- you have information that could improve the safety of the university community.
phone number: +48 885 553 351
e-mail: rmurawski@umk.pl
Student's House No. 12ul. Mikołaja Reja 25
87-100 Toruń
room 6
Office hours: Thursdays, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

Rector’s Deputy for counteracting mobbing
dr Beata Rutkowska
Contact her if:
- you believe you are a person subjected to mobbing;
- you are a person who has noticed mobbing at the University;
- you need information on the University's regulations on mobbing issues and the University's Anti-Mobbing Policy.
e-mail: przeciwmobbingowi@umk.pl
Copenican Integration Centre"Tolerance" building, 1st floor
ul. Olszewskiego 16
87-100 Toruń

Rector’s Deputy for education and student affairs in Collegium Medicum
dr hab. Bogumiła Kupcewicz, prof. UMK
e-mail: pelnomocnik-kupcewicz@cm.umk.pl
phone number: +48 52 585-35-00

Coordinator in charge of the Univeristy’s social responsibility
dr Joanna Cieślikowska
- Coordinating the University's Social Responsibility projects, including community initiatives, among others:
- students’ and staff’ voluntary work,
- cooperation with schools,
- initiatives related to cultural heritag.
- Cooperation with stakeholders, other universities, organizations, businesses, public administration on strengthening the university's social responsibility practices.
- Proliferation of actions aimed at cultivation of academic values and ethical standards.
- Measuring the results of activities undertaken and coordinating activities aimed at ensuring the university's visibility and effectiveness in terms of social responsibility; popularizing the university's achievements in this field.
e-mail: joanacie@umk.pl
NCU's Faculty of Fine Arts
ul. Sienkiewicza 4
87-100 Toruń
Room 12

Coordinator in charge of the University’s sustainable development
dr Anna Dubownik
- Coordinating actions resulting from the objectives of the University’s sustainable development, including:
- raising the awareness related to sustainable development,
- activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the university community,
- expanding curricula to include issues of sustainability, social responsibility, ethics,
- initiatives for the natural environment.
- Coordinating activities in the field of scientific research and implementation work supporting the implementation of sustainable development and contributing to the solution of important social problems; cooperation in this regard with national and international centers.
- Measuring the results of activities undertaken and popularizing the achievements of the University in this field.
e-mail: a_dubownik@umk.pl
NCU's Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning
ul. Lwowska 1
87-100 Toruń
Room 282