Solidarity with Ukraine

Deputy Rectors

dr hab. Aleksandra Derra, prof. UMK

Rector’s Deputy for equality

dr hab. Aleksandra Derra, prof. UMK

Contact her if:

  • you need support in the case of discriminatory action;
  • you have noticed unequal treatment at the University;
  • you can help to make the University more diverse community for everyone.


phone number: +48 506 867 859 (till 6 pm)


Copenican Integration Centre
"Tolerance" building, 1st floor
Olszewskiego 16 Street
87-100 Toruń


dr Bartłomiej Chludziński

Academic Ombudsman

dr Bartłomiej Chludziński

Contact him if:

  • you want to avoid a dispute;
  • you are in a dispute and need support, e.g. mediation;
  • you need legal advice (university rules).


phone number: +48 661 910 878 (till 6 pm)


Copenican Integration Centre
"Tolerance" building, 1st floor
ul. Olszewskiego 16
87-100 Toruń


mgr Robert Murawski

Deputy Rector for safety

mgr Robert Murawski

Do not hesitate to contact him if:

  • your personal safety on campus is at risk;
  • you have been the victim of a crime or offence;
  • you have information that could improve the safety of the university community.

phone number: +48 885 553 351



Student's House No. 12
ul. Mikołaja Reja 25
87-100 Toruń
room 6

Office hours: Thursdays, 7:30 am - 3:30 pm


dr Beata Rutkowska

Rector’s Deputy for counteracting mobbing

dr Beata Rutkowska

Contact her if:

  • you believe you are a person subjected to mobbing;
  • you are a person who has noticed mobbing at the University;
  • you need information on the University's regulations on mobbing issues and the University's Anti-Mobbing Policy.



Copenican Integration Centre
"Tolerance" building, 1st floor
ul. Olszewskiego 16
87-100 Toruń


dr hab. Bogumiła Kupcewicz, prof. UMK

Rector’s Deputy for education and student affairs in Collegium Medicum

dr hab. Bogumiła Kupcewicz, prof. UMK


phone number: +48 52 585-35-00


dr Joanna Cieślikowska

Coordinator in charge of the Univeristy’s social responsibility

dr Joanna Cieślikowska


  1. Coordinating the University's Social Responsibility projects, including community initiatives, among others:
    • students’ and staff’ voluntary work,
    • cooperation with schools,
    • initiatives related to cultural heritag.
  2. Cooperation with stakeholders, other universities, organizations, businesses, public administration on strengthening the university's social responsibility practices.
  3. Proliferation of actions aimed at cultivation of academic values and ethical standards.
  4. Measuring the results of activities undertaken and coordinating activities aimed at ensuring the university's visibility and effectiveness in terms of social responsibility; popularizing the university's achievements in this field.



NCU's Faculty of Fine Arts
ul. Sienkiewicza 4
87-100 Toruń
Room 12


dr Anna Dubownik

Coordinator in charge of the University’s sustainable development

dr Anna Dubownik


  1. Coordinating actions resulting from the objectives of the University’s sustainable development, including:
    • raising the awareness related to sustainable development,
    • activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the university community,
    • expanding curricula to include issues of sustainability, social responsibility, ethics,
    • initiatives for the natural environment.
  2. Coordinating activities in the field of scientific research and implementation work supporting the implementation of sustainable development and contributing to the solution of important social problems; cooperation in this regard with national and international centers.
  3. Measuring the results of activities undertaken and popularizing the achievements of the University in this field.



NCU's Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Planning
ul. Lwowska 1
87-100 Toruń
Room 282