
Summer courses NAWA


The course in Torun will run for 2 weeks (9-22 July 2025), and will include approximately 100 hours of classes and activities, including:

  • 15 hours per week of practical Polish language study, including phonetic workshops in the laboratory,
  • 15-20 hours per week of lectures on Polish history and culture, museum lessons, film classes, dance and theatre workshops and other integration activities,
  • two full-day excursions: to Poznań and Bydgoszcz.

All activities are compulsory for NAWA scholarship holders, 10% absences are allowed.

The course, activities, accommodation and meals are free of charge. Participants cover travel costs and the cost of obligatory medical insurance.

Those invited to participate in the course - according to NAWA guidelines - are:

  • students & PhD students of foreign universities,
  • academic teachers of foreign universities,

who are foreigners or hold dual citizenship (Polish and citizenship of another country), for whom Polish is not the first language, who do not study, are not employed and do not live in Poland, and who speak Polish or English at a level of at least B1, which means that the course can also be attended by people who are just beginning to learn Polish :-)

Applications for the course will be accepted until 31 March 2025. For those not on the guaranteed lists, please submit an application form and feedback/reference letter from your home university to

Application form:

 See how beautiful Toruń is!


NAWA Summer Courses are funded by the National Academic Exchange Agency.

Additional information on NAWA courses organised in Poland: