YERUN – Young European Research University Network
Established in 2016 the Young European Research Universities Network brings together universities with similar goals and values, such as openness, accountability and inclusiveness. The group provides an important advisory voice in the creation of research, innovation and education policies.
General benefits of YERUN membership
- have a real impact on education policy in Europe,
- increase the number of publications,
- exchange experience and information,
- increase the level of mobility and internationalisation,
- increase our chances of creating a project consortium and receiving a grant,
- participate in many training courses attended by people from the European Commission, which means that we will be better prepared to submit proposals.
What benefits do members perceive from joining the organisation?
- External funding through YERUN-related partnerships,
- Contact with those in the EU responsible for education, research and innovation policy, promoting the priorities and interests of YERUN members,
- Capacity building through targeted training,
- Exchange of experience and know-how,
- Success in obtaining R&I funding,
- Participation in interesting trainings and events; Forming a view on upcoming political reforms within the EU,
- Active involvement in topics of European importance
Benefits for NCU community
- YERUN Researcher Mobility Awards (for early career researchers) - funding of 1,000 EUR for research mobility at a YERUN partner university.
More information:
Connect by YERUN
CONNECT by YERUN is an innovative digital platform developed by the University of Southern Denmark and made available by YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network) at the end of November 2024 to foster collaboration between member institutions. By facilitating the networking of researchers and research management teams at YERUN institutions, the app is part of the association's mission to support open science and interdisciplinary research across Europe.
An advanced search engine for scientists, publications, and grants, easy access to information about research and competitions, and an innovative matchmaking tool for researchers from different universities - these are just some of the features of the platform.
Details on how to use the platform will be available during webinars scheduled on the following dates:
January 31, 2025 12:00-13:00, link to registration
April 11, 2025 12.00-13.00, link to registration
June 20, 2025 12.00-13.00, link to registration
Korzyści dla społeczności UMK
Benefits for students
- YERUN Summer School - each member university of the YERUN network can nominate several students to participate in the YERUN Summer School. The topics of the Summer Schools vary. In the future there may also be a Summer School for staff.
More information:
Benefits for researchers and administrative staff
- YERUN Staff Days - twice a year the YERUN network organises a Staff Day on a specific topic. The Staff Day brings together experts (researchers and support staff) from several partner universities to exchange knowledge and develop joint projects.
More information: - YERUN Open Science Awards - a financial award for researchers and support staff (individually or in teams) to further develop the Open Science initiative.
More information: - YERUN Joint Projects (e.g. YERUN LINK EDU-RES project for YERUN Joint Doctoral Programmes) on topics of relevance to the partners.
More information:
Benefits for administrative staff
- YERUN ad-hoc working groups on different policy areas (e.g. Open Science, EU policy, academic career development)
More information
Yerun website:
To keep up to date, we encourage you to sign up to the YERUN newsletter.