Control of exciton levels

Control of exciton levels in quantum dots: atomistic theory as a step towards entangled photon pairs generation

(Projekt realizowany w ramach Programu HOMING PLUS)

Okres realizacji projektu: 01.09.2010 r. - 31.08.2012 r.

Priorytet: I. Badania i rozwój nowoczesnych technologii
Działanie: 1.2 Wzmocnienie potencjału kadrowego nauki

W ramach Programu HOMING PLUS przyznawane są subsydia dla młodych uczonych zachęcające do podjęcia pracy badawczej w Polsce. Jego celem jest zachęcenie młodych uczonych do powrotu (w przypadku uczonych polskich) lub przyjazdu do Polski (w przypadku uczonych z zagranicy).

Umowa o dofinansowanie: nr Homing Plus/2010-1/16 z dnia 15.09.2010 r.

Całkowita wartość projektu: 236 000,00 zł, w tym dofinansowanie z EFRR: 200 600,00 zł

Opis projektu:
This Project is focused on working on a theory of exciton fine structure in semiconductor QDs which accounts for electron-hole exchange including the crystal lattice symmetry, quantum dot anisotropy, external electric field, and imposed nanomechanical strain.

In order to develop control of exciton fine structure we propose to realize following research tasks:

  1. Improvement of QNANO treatment of dielectric screening of Coulomb interaction in self-assembled QDs.
  2. Efficient implementation of Coulomb matrix elements calculation, by performing calculation in Fourier space and building parallel implementation on CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) architecture.
  3. Atomistic calculation of FSS for QDs as a function of dot height, diameter, alloying, and different levels of approximation used in the calculation of electron-hole exchange, with focus on nominally isotropic (cylindrical) quantum dots (lens, disc).
  4. Atomistic calculation of FSS in laterally elongated QDs and QDs in external lateral electric field and comparison with experimental data for InAs/InP dots on InP nanotemplates.
  5. Application of nanomechanical strain at different crystal axis direction as potential means of tailoring polarization and FSS of exciton states.

In summary we aim to develop atomistic theory, implement high-performance computational tools and perform large scale, parallel calculation of fine structure splitting in semiconductor quantum dots. The project will be conducted in co-operation with leading international scientific groups. The project will result in development of control of exciton levels in quantum dot, aiming at efficient generation of entangled photon pairs.

Koordynator projektu: dr Michał Zieliński
Opiekun projektu w BZFS:
mgr Joanna Smolarek
pok.: 107
tel.: (0-56) 611-45-91
fax: (0-56) 611-49-84

Projekt jest współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.