Rok Jubileuszy UMK
Solidarni z Ukrainą - ми з Вами
[fot. Andrzej Romański] fot. Andrzej Romański



Mobile USOS NCU The Mobile USOS NCU (USOS UMK) app has been developed. Students and employees of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń can now use it free of charge. The free application can be downloaded from the online Google Play store.

Mobile USOS NCU provides the following modules:

  • Schedule – - the schedule is shown by default Today, but the options "Tomorrow", "All week", "Next week" and "Any week" are available;
  • Class groups - information on the courses, lecturers and participants is available; the place of classes can be viewed on Google maps, and the appointment dates can be added to the calendar used on the mobile;
  • Grades - the student will see all grades obtained. The system sends notifications of new grades on a regular basis;
  • Surveys - the student can fill in the survey, the employee can see the number of completed surveys on an ongoing basis;
  • USOSmail - you can send a message to participants of one or many groups;
  • My IDs - the student will see the obverse and the reverse of his/her student's electronic ID, PhD student - doctoral student ID, and employee - employee ID;
  • My eID - PESEL number, index, ELS / ELD / ELP number etc. are available as QR code and bar code;
  • News - messages sent by authorized persons on a regular basis are sent to the mobile phone;
  • Directory - you can search for students, employees, courses.

To use the application properly, an account is required at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. Mobile USOS NCU is available in Polish and English language versions. The application is still being developed, successive features will be added to it.