Rok Jubileuszy UMK
Solidarni z Ukrainą - ми з Вами

Założenia Polityki Erasmusa (Erasmus Policy Statement) 2014-2020

The Mission of the NCU states that our university operates in European dimension and participates in international cooperation at the highest available level. In the Strategy document for the years 2011-2020 we read that “the university will have a stable position in the group of best Polish universities and a recognized European university. To achieve this NCU has signed over 400 agreements within Erasmus. Most of them are initiated and set up by faculties (ca 80%) but we also respond to the invitation of foreign HeIs and arrange agreements at central level (20%). The University has also signed 51 agreements of mutual cooperation (41 at central university level and 10 at faculty level), out of which 18 with EU and 10 with non-EU countries. Every year we are also involved in a dozen of research projects (mostly FP) and a dozen of educational projects, which means cooperation with ca 150 universities. Our priority destinations in the new Program will be neighbouring countries - Russia and Ukraine, as well as Kazakhstan, Mediterranean and Balkan countries.

The first and foremost criterion of choice of our partners is the quality of institution. In most cases the signing of agreements is preceded by a fact-finding visit of our representatives. Partnerships are developed by and for each of 17 faculties of our university.

Partner institutions cover 5 continents - Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and Australia and we are still exploring new countries (e.g. recently Korea, Kirgizstan, Togo, Vatican).

Within Erasmus we cooperate with almost all eligible countries (but Ireland, Liechtenstein and Luxemburg). Within the EEA (Stipend and Scholarship Fund) we cooperate with Norway and one university in Iceland. Within the new Program NCU will enlarge partnership basing on individual contacts of our scientists as well as on the existing research and teaching centres: Canadian, Australian, Chinese and Japanese. One of most important destinations will be Eastern Partnership countries (RU, UA, BLR, KAZ), from where even Polish-speaking students can be recruited. English-taught medicine will be promoted in African countries.

The overall number of outgoing persons from NCU is ca 2300/year. The key objective is to provide international dimension and level of the activities of NCU. This can be achieved best by professional development of staff. Therefore academic and research staff (ca 1200 people) are the most numerous group. They mostly travel upon individual invitations, to attend conferences, realize research projects, do bibliography research etc. In this number ca 70-80 persons are Erasmus STA and STT beneficiaries. According to the Mission our University has to provide teaching in international context and prepare our graduates to the present and future challenges of modern society. Therefore outgoing students (ca. 1100), of which Erasmus exchange students are absolute majority as a group. Within this group most of SMS and SMP beneficiaries are 2nd cycle students. Then come 1st cycle students, and doctoral students are a margin (3-5 people/year). Therefore this group will be focused and animated.

Two double-diploma study programs only have been implemented so far (one in finances with France and Spain; one in history with Russia). Two more are under preparation (one in management, one in political sciences). Two more projects are to be started (in physics and chemistry).

As for joint diplomas degrees, a very interesting EMRA (European Master for Rural Animation) programme was prepared as a result of a LLP multilateral project Accompanying Measures and Studies. The partnership comprised: Poland, Greece, Romania, Hungary, Germany, Spain and Estonia. Studies are intended to be based on Distance Learning method. This is in course of procedure and waits for the permission of the Polish Ministry of Higher Education.

The vision of our university focuses on operative and creative participation in global research and education area, and active cooperation with leading HEIs. Up till April 2, 2013 all international projects were managed and supported by the International Programmes Office (6 people). Recently, in order to improve the implementation of projects, restructuring took place and a new office was set up to manage research projects. The structure at central university level is now divided into Research Section (3 offices) and Education Section (3 offices). Thus the spectrum of competencies is clearly distinguishable. The IPO can concentrate on educational programmes and enter into closer cooperation with other units responsible for education, recruitment and student affairs. Beginning from the years 90-ties, we have participated in over 200 international projects, 30 are under application procedure. We provide information (web site, bulletin, seminars, individual consultations), assistance at the stage of application (in particular in the area of budget construction), guidance for project managers, (esp. in the area of employment conditions, taxing and VAT regulations, public tenant policy, staff costs, exchange rate etc.), assist at monitoring and audit controls and help at reporting stage. Our activity covers LLP projects (mobility, 5 IPs, Virtual Campus, several Thematic Networks, Accompanying Measures, recently Knowledge Alliences, EM applications), EEA/STF grants, Polish-Norwegian Fund, Polish-Swiss Fund, Visehrad grants, TEMPUS and EILC courses. They are all endorsed by the University authorities. Participation and, even more coordination, of international project is highly appreciated and contributes to personal development of staff, which in consequence enables to deploy teaching and research in new areas with partners who can provide examples of good practice.

NCU is challenged with demographic decline and has to fight for candidates so admission of international students is in focus. Also the rating of HEIs is of great importance. International mobility is also crucial factor of promotion. New curricula are set up according to the needs of international labour market. New infrastructure is built, eg. new dormitory for growing number of students of the medicine in English programme. University Strategy 2011-2020 refers to quality aspirations in education, research and management. Our aim is to deliver diplomas highly appreciated by employers in Poland and beyond. International exchange has significant impact on the quality of teaching. Since 2007 special Committee for Quality of Education is constantly working on evaluation procedures so that effects of education are monitored and improved. The aim is to achieve academic excellence for all types and levels of studies. NCU is implementing National Qualification Framework Scheme so more pressure is put on the effects of training. Our graduates will show professional knowledge, practical skills and also many other competencies. Study mobility allows to enlarge the spectrum of courses by a specific offer of host universities. As for practical skills, Erasmus placement mobility is one of key factors besides national internship programmes. Generic competencies developed by participation in international mobility are priceless: language capacity, survival in international environment, team work, overcoming stress and culture shock, building self-confidence, organization, planning and financial management skills. Knowledge triangle needs particular animation. University deploys research cooperation with business by special units: Career Service, Academic Entrepreneurship Incubator and Interdisciplinary Centre for Modern Technologies. A special portal was set up to promote our research potential. Every year a Festival of Art & Science and Festival Medicalia are organized to promote science and education in the region. InLAB project provides innovative model of transfer of knowledge towards enterprises. Cooperation links with business (local and international) help graduates improve employability and European competence.. Modern management with the use of ICT (Univ. System for Students Processing USOS) is implemented. Beginning from April’13, the structure of Central Administration was modernized to enable better horizontal cooperation within the Education Division (Education Office and Recruitment and Student Affairs Office). New procedures are continuously set up to provide smooth financial management. To improve quality of service, the staff of the IPO take part in courses, seminars, EAIE Academy, which allows professional development. Social media (facebook) are introduced for more effective communication with our students and candidates. This year a Portal for Students was inaugurated as well as a Lifelong Learning Portal.