
Project II: Student and staff mobility in Component II: 2022-2023, project number: EOG/21/K2/W/0006

Project EEA/21/K2/W/0006 - Mobility in higher education benefits from a grant of EUR 29 750 received from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway under the EEA Grants. The project aims for a good range of mobility and employees of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and partner literature. The sole responsibility for the content of the publication lies with Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

The project provides students and staff exchange with four partners with whom interinstitutional agreements have been signed:

  1. University of Bergen – Norway, Bergen – Faculty of Law and Administration

The participants of individual exchanges are selected at the home university of the candidates. They should submit an application following the qualification procedures applicable at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in the Erasmus + program.

During the selection/qualification of participants and the implementation of the mobility, the procedures applicable in the Erasmus + program and the rules of recruitment to the project are applied.

The project will be implemented from 01/04/2022 to 30/09/2023.

Organization of mobility

The participants of individual exchanges are selected at home university of the candidates who should submit an application in accordance with the qualification procedures applicable at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in the Erasmus + program. During the selection/qualification of participants and the implementation of the mobility, the procedures applicable in the Erasmus + program and the rules of recruitment to the project are applied.


In the project for 2022-2023, it is possible to implement student mobility only for students from the Faculty of Law and Administration for the I semester 2022/2023. The application deadline is 15 June 2022/15 November 2022.

The rates applicable in the project for 2022-2023 for student mobility to Poland:

  1. Subsidy to cover subsistence costs: 1000 EUR per month
  2. Subsidy to cover travel costs:
  • 100-499 km: 180 EUR
  • 500-1999 km: 275 EUR
  • 2000-2999 km: 360 EUR
  • 3000-3999 km: 530 EUR

Application procedure step by step

SMS Rules

Candidates need to follow the application procedure for Erasmus+ incoming students, but preparing a Learning Agreement within the form available here:


Staff recruitment is carried out on the mobility provided for in the project, in accordance with the agreements with partner institutions. These are staff mobility for lecturing or training.

The rates applicable in the project for 2022-2023 when leaving the country of the Donors:

  1. Subsidy to cover subsistence costs: EUR 750 per week
  2. Subsidy to cover travel costs:
  • 100-499 km: 180 EUR
  • 500-1999 km: 275 EUR
  • 2000-2999 km: 360 EUR
  • 3000-3999 km: 530 EUR


  1. Staff Mobility Rules
  2. Mobility Agreement for Teaching
  3. Mobility Agreement for Training
  4. Recruitment protocol staff
  5. Application form