Multicultural integration Cups of Takls



Cups of Talks are intercultural conversations in English taking place every second Thursday, the idea of ​​which is to integrate the students of our University. The club was established by the Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility, and is hosted by students of various faculties. The initiative is supported by the Team for students with disabilities and the University Center for Support and Personal Development and the Mentor for students prof. Dariusz Pniewski.

Cups of Talks arose as an answer for the students’ needs. After pandemic time we all are hungry of participation in some activities with other people. That’s why, also for the purpose of NCU international and polish students’ integration, we created an opportunity of intercultural conversations in different languages, with a priority to English language as a language of talks. 


 UPCOMING MEETINGS:                                                                                                                                          

Are you stressed out because of the coming exams??? If you would like to chatt about relaxing ways in different cultures come for next Cups of Talks!

When: 26.01., 16:30

Where: Student Activity Centre Kotłownia, Słowackiego 5/7

Subject: "Take it easy - how to deal with stress and anxiety during the exam session?"


Take your friends and come, we will try to find the best way together!

You can combine it with other support offered by our University



We have already talked about:


  • 20.12.2022 - Celebration time - New Year customs in the world

There are so many customs in different part of the world which students have talked about during this meeting. Students from Poland, Spain, Turkey and China were chatting about New Year's Eve in their home countries in the Student Activity Centre Kotłownia.

 New Year customs     


  • 21.06.2022 - summary with the moderators and prof. Dariusz Pniewski


  • 05.05.2022r. - It's ok to be not ok

    This meeting took place in front of Collegium Maius - the weather was nice so students could discuss with eachother in the garden. The moderators - Agnieszka (student of Psychology) and Paula (student of Managment) was trying to help finding an answer for this question.                                                                                               



  • 21.04.2022r. - What do you want from your future life?

The first meeting took place at the Library of the Faculty of Humanities, Collegium Maius, ul. Fosa Staromiejska 3 on 21 st of April. Moderators o this meeting was: Julia – student of Faculty of Humanities, Paula - student of Economic Sciences and Management and Ata – student of Faculty of Humanities.

The participants was trying to answer such questions as: What our future plans or even hopes are like, which have different meanings for each person? How do I live as a human being? If we cannot understand what we are living with now, how will we understand the future?

Students from different countries took part in the meeting, so the discussions were very interesting.

Cups of Talks_21.04.22Cups of Talks_21.04.2022Cupd of Takls_21.04.2022Cups of Talks_21.04.2022

fot. Małgorzata Błaszczak



Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
ul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń
tel: +48 56 611 42 54
tel/fax: +48 56 611 22 45

                                                                                                                                        Administrator: Małgorzata Błaszczak
